Read Me First
1. What It’s All About: Chilling with your F-Body buddies after a long, hard day at the track. It doesn’t get any better than this! Do you want to get in on this? Its easy, all you have to do is register.
How, you ask? Just click on the “Register” link at the top of this page and you will be transported to our registration page that has been specifically designed to walk you through the process and allow you to sign up for those events that most interest you.
2. Getting There is Half the Fun: If you’re caravanning, get ready to experience the mighty food / fuel / bathroom task rotation with 20 or so of your favorite F-Body friends. You can go it alone if you want, but there is safety in numbers if you need help along the way. Beware though, if you are in a caravan, you should know a good bail bondsman as experience shows that an F-Body caravan can quickly deteriorate into something resembling the Cannonball Run.
3. Drag Racing: Here’s your chance to see how fast you really are. Helmets are required and your vehicle must pass the safety inspection. The racing is bracket style, so if you want to walk off with a trophy, you had better be consistent. Plenty of “Test & Tune” time is available and this also provides the perfect opportunity for “heads up” racing with that buddy of yours who always claims his car is faster than yours
4. Road Course School: From the latest in high tech engine management computers & modern alloy suspension components to the earliest throwbacks of the fabled Trans Am racing series, almost everyone thrills at taking a turn on the wheel of the road course school! Gain a new found respect for speed in the straights and through the corners.
5. Autocross: The Autocross event is for fun but that doesn’t mean you can be reckless! All participants must wear a certified helmet. Cone killing is to be expected, but remember, the goal is to see how fast you can complete the very challenging course we have planned for you.
6. Car Show: This ain’t your normal car show! No Q-tips or cotton balls, no 1000 point judging system, no push-’em-off-the-trailer-only Trailer Queens. These cars run fast and they look good! You’re the judge here, not some snob in a tweed jacket with white gloves, a dental mirror and a magnifying glass…deteriorate into something resembling the Cannonball Run.
7. Help Abounds: You will find that there is probably more F-Body knowledge in one square mile of the Event than there is in the whole US. As for parts, information, or advice we’ve got the best F-Body vendors in the U.S. on the spot, sponsoring the event. And if that isn’t enough, there’s bound to be someone with that elusive part you need for sale.
Worried about breaking something? Don’t be, there is plenty of expertise available to get you back up and running.experience shows that an F-Body caravan can quickly deteriorate into something resembling the Cannonball Run.
8. Newbies Welcome: Never raced before? Don’t let that deter you! Start out on the drag strip, if you’ve ever put the hammer down when the light turns green at a stop light or on the expressway entrance ramp, you’ve got the basic premise of drag racing. Lots of F-buds are on hand to help you fine tune your car and your skills. Once you start to get comfortable with your car’s performance you can explore the autocross and road course portions of the event.
9. Closing: Saturday night, after all the racing is done, it’s time to have one last bash with all your old friends and with many new ones. Just like everything else we do at the Event we go out with a bang at the cookout. All the trophies are presented, door prizes given away, and many laughs are shared. It’s a highlight of the event so make sure to attend.
10. The Organizers: Please try to be flexible and patient with the Event organizers and other attendees. The whole purpose of this Event is to have a good time. Many people have worked very hard to accomplish this. We are an all volunteer organization and have given freely of our time and resources to make this an enjoyable gathering of F-Body enthusiasts, so have fun and let any imperfections slide.